How to Automate Your Business using AI: 7-Step Guide

7 simple steps SMBs can take to automate their business by integrating AI into their operations

5 min read

how to automate your business using ai graphic
how to automate your business using ai graphic

As a small or medium-sized business owner, you're likely wearing multiple hats and constantly juggling tasks. The daily grind of managing operations, serving customers, and growing your business can be overwhelming. But what if I told you there's a way to lighten your load, increase efficiency, and boost your bottom line? The answer lies in business automation, particularly through the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

I'm Junaid Khalid, CEO of Ertiqah, a company specializing in AI solutions for SMBs .. that is an SMB itself. With my background in machine learning, data science, and cybersecurity, I've helped countless businesses transform their operations through AI-driven automation. In this guide, I'll walk you through a practical, 7-step process to automate your business effectively using AI in business processes and operations.

Step 1: Identify Time-Consuming Tasks

Before diving into automation and AI implementation, it's crucial to identify which tasks are eating up most of your time. Here's how to do it:

  1. Use a time-tracking app like Toggl or RescueTime for one week (Note: This is not an endorsement - please do your due diligence).

  2. At the end of the week, export your data and analyze it.

  3. Look for tasks that:

    • Are repetitive

    • Don't require complex decision-making

    • Take up a significant portion of your time

    • Could benefit from AI-powered automation

For example, you might find that you're spending hours each week on data entry, scheduling appointments, or analyzing customer data - all tasks that can be significantly improved with AI automations.

Step 2: Prioritize Automation Opportunities

Now that you've identified time-consuming tasks, it's time to prioritize which ones to automate and potentially enhance with AI. Use this simple framework:

  1. Create a spreadsheet with columns for:

    • Task name

    • Time spent per week

    • Complexity to automate (Low, Medium, High)

    • Potential impact (Low, Medium, High)

    • AI applicability (Low, Medium, High)

  2. Fill in the spreadsheet for each task identified in Step 1.

  3. Focus on tasks that are:

    • High time spent + Low/Medium complexity + High impact + High AI applicability

    • Medium time spent + Low complexity + High impact + High AI applicability

For instance, if you find that analyzing customer data takes 10 hours per week, has medium complexity to automate, high potential impact, and high AI applicability, this would be a prime candidate for AI-powered automation.

Step 3: Choose the Right AI-Powered Tools

With your priorities set, it's time to select the right tools for automation, with a focus on AI-enhanced solutions. Here are some popular options for common business tasks:

Note: The above tools are "established players" in the market; however, if you're just starting out, and looking for a more niche, cost-effective option, try looking for a solution to your problem at ProductHunt, or There's an AI for That.

Pro Tip:

You can also contact us if you are looking to develop a custom workflow, or integration for you! We're just a call away.

To choose the right AI-powered tool:

  1. List your specific requirements

  2. Research options (use review sites like G2 or Capterra)

  3. Take advantage of free trials

  4. Consider integration capabilities with your existing tools and AI extensibility

For example, if you need to automate customer data analysis, you might choose Salesforce Einstein AI for its powerful CRM and AI-driven insights.

Before we go further, if you liked the recommendations so far, join 1500+ professionals in becoming AI-First and learning how to effectively leverage AI in their business and professional life. You can do so here, or by simply dropping your email address below:

Step 4: Implement Your First AI-Driven Automation

Now it's time to implement your first AI-powered automation. Let's use the customer data analysis example:

  1. Sign up for Salesforce Einstein AI

  2. Set up your account and import your customer data

  3. Configure Einstein Analytics:

    • Set up data connections

    • Choose relevant metrics and KPIs

    • Create custom AI models if needed

  4. Set up automated reporting:

    • Schedule weekly AI-generated insights reports

    • Set up alerts for significant data trends or anomalies

  5. Test the system with historical data

  6. Activate the AI-powered analytics

Remember, start small and expand. Once you're comfortable with one AI automation, move on to the next priority on your list.

Step 5: Train Your Team on AI-Enhanced Processes

Automation and AI are only effective if your team embraces them. Here's how to get them on board:

  1. Explain the benefits: Show how AI-powered automation will make their jobs easier and more efficient.

  2. Provide hands-on training:

    • Schedule a team meeting

    • Demonstrate the new AI-enhanced automated process

    • Let team members practice with the new tools

  3. Create documentation:

    • Write step-by-step guides for each AI-powered process

    • Use a tool like Loom to create video tutorials

  4. Designate a point person for questions and troubleshooting

For instance, when introducing the new AI-powered customer data analysis, show your sales and marketing teams how it will provide deeper insights and help them make data-driven decisions more efficiently.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize AI Performance

AI-driven automation isn't a "set it and forget it" solution. Regular monitoring and optimization are crucial:

  1. Set up key performance indicators (KPIs) for each AI-powered process. For the customer data analysis example:

    • Accuracy of AI predictions

    • Time saved in data analysis

    • Increase in data-driven decision making

  2. Use the analytics features in your chosen AI tools to track these KPIs (e.g. Ertiqah Assist has an executive dashboard to track exactly that!)

  3. Schedule monthly review meetings to discuss:

    • What's working well with the AI systems

    • What needs improvement

    • New AI automation opportunities

  4. Make data-driven adjustments. For example, if you notice the AI predictions aren't as accurate as expected, you might:

    • Refine the AI model with more relevant data

    • Adjust the parameters of the AI algorithm

    • Book a call with AI experts (like us at Ertiqah) for advanced optimization

Step 7: Scale Your AI Automation Efforts

As you become more comfortable with AI-powered automation, look for ways to scale:

  1. Revisit your task list from Step 2 and tackle the next AI-applicable priority

  2. Look for integration opportunities between your AI-powered tools. For example:

    • Connect your AI-enhanced CRM with your accounting software to automate financial forecasting

    • Integrate your AI-powered social media management tool with your CRM to capture and analyze leads from social interactions

  3. Consider more advanced AI automation:

    • Use platforms like Google Cloud AI or AWS AI services (Bedrock) to create custom AI solutions

    • Explore cutting-edge AI applications like:

      • Natural Language Processing for advanced chatbots and customer service automation

      • Computer Vision for automated quality control in manufacturing or retail

      • Predictive maintenance for equipment and machinery

  4. Stay informed about new AI technologies:

Remember, the goal of AI-powered automation is to free up your time and your team's time for high-value activities that drive business growth. By following this 7-step guide, you're well on your way to a more efficient, productive, and AI-enhanced business.

On your AI automation journey, remember that you're not alone! At Ertiqah, we specialize in creating custom AI solutions for SMBs just like yours. If you need guidance on how to use AI in business processes or want to take your AI automation efforts to the next level, we're here to help.

Ready to transform your business operations with AI? Book a call with us today, and let's explore how we can leverage artificial intelligence to supercharge your business automation. Together, we'll implement cutting-edge AI solutions that set you up for long-term success in the digital age.