We help SMB* owners Work Less & Profit More

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*small-to-medium businesses

Does your business feel like a never-ending treadmill?

  • Constant firefighting

  • Limited AI knowledge

  • Low operating margins

  • Difficulty keeping up with industry trends

  • Lack of Automation

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We lived it, solved it, now it's yours

Ertiqah Assist

Say goodbye to 3 AM alerts. Let AI handle it.

Linkedin Assist

Put your founder branding on auto-pilot

  • Automates up to 90% of L1 tickets

  • Handles 50-60% of L2/L3 tickets

  • Custom-built IVR system

  • Fine-tuned on your knowledge base

  • AI-generated content ideas

  • Custom post creation

  • Tailored to your business

  • Resource bank for fresh ideas (Coming Soon)

Why Choose Ertiqah?

Focused on Micro SMBs

Specialized solutions for businesses with 10-50 employees

Products developed and tested internally for quality assurance

We quantify the return on investment before product release

In-house Development

Proven ROI

Ongoing Support

Continuous education and support for your success


We work closely with customers to ensure we meet their needs

We don't just provide AI tools; we ensure you succeed with them.

Free AI Resources for SMBs

Boost your AI knowledge and implementation with our curated resources

AI Implementation Guide for SMBs

Top 10 AI Tools for Business Efficiency

AI in Customer Service: A Case Study

gray computer monitor
gray computer monitor

Step-by-step guide to integrating AI into your business

Curated list of AI tools to boost your productivity

Learn how to craft effective prompts for AI tools

person holding black iphone 4

Stay Ahead of the AI Curve

Join 1,537 SMB owners saving up to 11+ hours per week using AI

AI Insights for SMBs

How to automate your business using AI: 7-step guide

7 simple steps SMBs can take to put their business on autopilot with AI

black and white robot toy on red wooden table
black and white robot toy on red wooden table
Overview of the EU AI Act: What You Need To Know

EU AI regulations are coming in 2025: Are you ready?

Brace yourselves for EU AI Act: Essential Guidelines and Compliance Steps

The EU AI Act: Key impacts, risk categories, and compliance steps for AI developers and users.